Erfahren Sie, wie DentalMonitoring die Informationen liefert, die Sie benötigen, um Scans einfach und effizient zu validieren.
Unser KI-basierter Ansatz zur Unterstützung von Kieferorthopäden bei der Optimierung der Behandlung stellt eine radikale Veränderung in der Branche dar. Da unsere Technologie noch sehr neu ist, wächst die wissenschaftliche Literatur zur Fernüberwachung ständig weiter und wird häufig aktualisiert.
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DentalMonitoring is a product designed and manufactured by Dental Monitoring SAS, for Healthcare Professionals (HCPs). It is also used by patients under the mandatory supervision of Healthcare Professionals (HCPs).
DentalMonitoring is designed to assist HCPs with remotely observing intraoral situations and monitoring orthodontic treatments. Refer to your HCP and/or the Instructions for Use before use. Some modules of the DentalMonitoring product are considered as a medical device (in Europe and other countries), registered as such and holding the CE mark. Product availability, claims and regulatory status may differ across countries depending on local regulations. Contact your local representative for further information.